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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A 6 month Milestone: Preparing Baby Foods

As a mom, I have been waiting for my baby to turn 6 months because I wanted him to start taking solids already. I downloaded a lot of e-books online so I would be aware of what, when, and how to feed my baby. Thankfully there are a lot of free e-books that are informative and easy to understand.

So here's a sample of how I prepare my baby's food:

1. Boil sweet potato until very smooth and then scoop out a small portion. Babies usually eat only the same size as a teaspoon at first then gradually increases their intake. 

2. Mash the sweet potato or camote in your baby's food container. I chose a container with cover so it can be placed in the fridge for another meal in a day. I also use it exclusively for my baby. 

3. Put a little milk formula on the sweet potato then pour water. If you are breastfeeding, you can also use your breastmilk to make the potato soft in consistency.

4. Tada! A natural and affordable food for your baby. 

You can also opt to use Pumpkin and just mash it because it has a very smooth consistency so no need for formula milk to make it into a puree. 

Here's my baby eating his sweet potato.

While eating his favorite Pumpkin for merienda. 

Do you have other baby recipes you do? Please share them below so I can also try it with my baby, it will really mean a lot!:) Thanks in advance!:)

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