
Saturday, December 26, 2015

What I learned this year 2015

1. Not everyone is your friend. 

Just recently I realized not everyone is my friend, and that is OKAY! I have always been the person who treasures friends and friendship in an intense way that I can take inconveniences for others. I am the type who always always think of my friends whenever and wherever which made me vulnerable to pain and hurt. I realized that I may treat others as a friend but they do not necessarily have to treat me the same way I do to them. Then I realized after all the disappointments and frustrations I experienced with people, I now know not everyone is my friend. I may have small talks with them, have a few laughs, or short sharing of stories but it does not mean I am their friend. But the biggest realization for me is that IT IS OK. That I should learn to just be an acquaintance to some, a colleague to some or just someone to someone and it does not matter. What matters is I know who matters to me and to whom I matter. 

2. Nothing to lose. Everything to gain. 

This year got me into a lot of risk taking. I am not that of a high risk taker on anything, but just this year I realized that the more I let go of opportunities, the less I know myself and my path. In anything, whether it be education related or work or whatever I can always try and if I fail, then I fail. Whatever the result is I will gain something from it, it is just a matter ofnperapective. Thus, I learned to lose myself more in the situation and just go for it. 

3. Age is really just a number.

I have always been conscious of my age, even as a child there were times that I feel awkward of how young or old I am. I have always thought that things or activities are based on a person's age. I had this belief for so long that I kept postponing what I really wanted to do because I'd always think that I am TOO old to start anything new. But this year, I have accepted that I have grown in age and I need to embrace my age without sacrificing the child in me. My heart will always stay youthful even if I grow old.

4. Caring where it matters. 

Life has been teaching this concept to me but it was just this year that I have fully understood and applying it in my life. I realized that most of the time I give my care into something or someone who does not appreciate it so I have decided to put it where it matters. I have a lot in store for next year and it keeps me motivated and caring for what is ahead. 

5. Its a tricky world out there, be careful who to trust.
People are people and the world is a tricky one. Actually it is the people in the world that makes it tricky and confusing. I often get overwhelmed with emotions that I usually blurt out stuff, these then has been taken against me for a lot of times. People form a judgment on me just because I said or did something that did not please them. So I learned it the hard way of just trusting a few people in my life and learning to keep my silence.

This year taught me a lot about myself, about friendships, and life in general. For every pain and struggle I realize that life is simply about a few people that really matters. I realized to make most of my time and effort on these people to ensure happy moments with them. I am more grateful now of how blessed I am instead of looking otherwise.

2015 has been challenging but it was one hell of a journey.

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