
Saturday, June 25, 2016

#ChangehasCome to ThereyouJho

          Just a random thought I had while contemplating on my blog. It seems I haven't written anything with content since I was always posting PR stuff. (Yes, yes, I became that kind of blogger, not that anything's wrong with that, but it just wasn't me) So after months of reflection, and the motivation to do it, I decided to transfer my mommy blog into another site. It's been publishing posts for about a month now, and although its slow and steady I think I have a better direction and goals now. Check more of my motherhood stories here: Playful Life with Kids

            So what happens to THEREYOUJHO? For a few weeks I have been thinking whether to get rid of this or just let it die its natural death. Though it did not feel right just looking at it without real content and so I decided to think this site through.So here goes another risk I'll be starting with ThereyouJHO. I have decided to stick to my core. I would still be writing about my motherhood journey on Playful life with Kids and keep this site as my lifestyle blog which will include what I like to do in my spare time that does not include being a mom or a wife. haha! If that is even possible! Anyway, I've decided to just post my food trips, travels, hobbies like music, movies, and books. I also decided to have the guts and confidence to review makeups and maybe share some beauty tips too. It sort of is a way to keep the child in me present, so I won't forget who I am before I became a mom and wife. Not that I am separating myself as a mom but it gives me an individuality and my identity. I think having those will make me a better mom and wife. Hopefully, you'll still join me in my journey and share your journey with me too. Let's all be in the know and in trend with how it is to live as a woman in the metro. Enjoy and talk to you soon!:)

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