
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tips to Staying healthy this Holidays

Chilly nights, late night meet up with friends, sleepless nights, last minute gift shopping, and the stressful traffic. Isn't it the most wonderful time of the year, right? Though it may be the happiest season all these can strain your throat and may make you catch some sore and itchy throat for the holidays. That is really a bummer if that happens so I am sharing some tips to help you prevent havin sore throat during the remaining days of the holiday. 

Drink lots of water or fluid. 
Sore throat can be prevented by keeping it hydrated at all times. 

Lay off on too much sweets.
The holidays seems to bring with it tons of sugary food. I for one is guilty of this because I love to eat sweets and desserts are heavenly for me. But it is still best to eat sweets moderately so you won't damage your throat or your weight.  Just be more sensitive or cautious by your intake but never EVER deprive yourself, especially of food. 

Wear appropriate clothes for the weather.
If you are going outside at night it is but logical to wear clothes that will protect you from the cold temperature. This will also prevent you from having colds or sore throat.  

Use some ginger on your mouth or throat
I remember my dad doing this when I was smal. He would put a slice of ginger on a handkerchief and  tie it unto his throat. He would sleep on it at night and in the morning soak some slice on his mouth. He says it relieves his sore throat and prevents him from coughing everytime. Ginger proves to be very helpful for people who often use their voice and those who suffer from voice hoarseness. The first Ginger Chewy Candy in the Philippines, Gingerbon relaxes the vocal cords with the warm soothing effect of ginger. It relieves voice stress without the hassle of brewing ginger or dealing with its often strong flavor. Gingerbon is exclusively distributed by ADP Industries Corporation.


Gingerbon is available in both Regular and Extra Strong varieties and comes in two sizes: 20 grams for those who want Ginger on the go and 125 grams for stocking up in the office or at home.

Take some rest and some zzzzz... 
I know it seems impossible to have some rest and sleep but it is a necessity. Especially during the holidays when we have tons to do, parties to attend, people to remember, but taking some time to just relax and rest is something we owe our bodies to do. So in the midst of he holiday chaos, it is important to stay healthy and rested for our families and friends. 

Hopefully, these would help you in keeping a healthy and prevent any sickness like sore throat get in the way of the holiday festivities. Again, enjoy year 2015 and say hello to another year!;)