
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blogapalooza: The Second Time Around

Last October 25, bloggers and business came together at One Esplanade to connect, and collaborate together. It was my second time going and I was really looking forward to it. I'd say I was more prepared and equipped this year which made my stay more enjoyable and informative. 

I went to the event this year with my good friend Lally Gonzales of and with a new found blogger friend Mommy Lei of We arrived after lunch as we attended Rackell of's daughter's baptism. It was a busy Sunday but it was worth it. 

This year's them is about #ResponsibleMedia and how bloggers and brands can be mediums of positive and principled journalism. I know some will not agree that blogging is journalism but I think looking at the blogging world as such makes bloggers become more accountable for their action, words, and blog. It is about time that bloggers use their power to connect, collaborate, and empower each other not only as bloggers but as media persons. I learned alot about responsible media by listening to the talks and how I cam be a promote positive and responsible blogging. 

Anyway, here are some stories on what happened during the event. Upon entering the venue we were welcomed by the I Am cardboard Ph booth. Really had fun trying out their product and I'd actually suggest it to some friends who are getting married. I think it will be such a great souvenir. 

Chips Delight booth was also such a delight to see. They have a christmas themed area where they showcased their products. Got myself some cookies too!;) 

Victoria Court was there and we played games but unfortunately I did not win anything. Haha!;) 

Here are the other booth and companies I got to interact with and played some fun games in. 

Got to take home these freebies too! 

Thank you, Blogapalooza 2015 for having me in your awesome event. Got to learn more about blogging and collaborating with brands that may help me with my mission as a blogger. Thanks also as I have met wonderful bloggers in the event! Till next year!;)

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