
Friday, October 23, 2015

Scarfs: Easy way to Spice up your OOTDs

I first encountered scarves thru my mom when I was a little girl. I'd always see her wearing one over her uniforms. She has a lot of them and some of her friends would even give her some as gifts. 

Now, I am finally exploring including scarves in my wardrobe. I have seen a lot o my friends use it and I have found an appreciation for its designs and fabric. Here are some of my google searches of how to wear scarves: 

Scarves can add color to a monochromatic get up. It also turns a casual look into a more thought out look. It can go from a rock to a glam look depending on the fabric and design. Not to mention, it helps thru the cold weather. So the next time you want to spice up your wardrobe or look, consider using a scarf. To start your scarf collection, Ensogo Philippines, has a number of designs ranging from Php129 above. Branded scarves are also available. 

Find more designs at or download the Ensogo App in iOS or android for easy shopping!;)

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