
Friday, September 4, 2015

The Month that Was and Some Life Updates

The month of August just went by that fast and I can't even believe that the first week of September is coming to an end already. So where was I the whole month of August? One word to describe it is FULL PACKED.

Here's why: 
August is my son's birth month. This year we decided to let go of the party type of celebration and opted for somethig education and which Enzo and his other cousins will truly enjoy. I'll make a separate post about Enzo's educational second year birthday celebration. 

August is the start of another semester in my Masters degree. It came so fast I was overwhelmed by the schoolworks I had to do simultaneously with work. My subjects this term are Advance Studies on Child Developmet and Statistics in Research Studies. Both are exciting but are critical to my degree, so I had to put a lotnof time and work on it. 

August ended our transition term in the school where I am teaching and started the new term after 3 (three) days!!! Can you imagined how immediate that was? 

Really feel frustrated at the rate that the blog was making but I am determined to move on from this hiatus. Hopefully you'll still join me in my journey, I promise to make the ride worthwhile.;) 

What to look forward to this coming days?

Child development tips and lessons. 
I love sharing what I learn from my masteral so I thought of writing it here on the blog too. It's going to help me review the lessons and might be helpful to some of your motherhood or parenting wors too! 

Free online courses and workshops. I love learning anything that interests me, but what I love more than that is free education. Found and joined some sites that offer free online courses so I am sharing them to all of you too.

Homeschooling Adventure. Enzo and I startd homeschooling so I'll try to post about our lessons and resources too. 

More product reviews. Thought of doing more baby product reviews and share some of our cheap but quality finds. 

Deals online with Ensogo. I enjoy online shopping and Ensogo is my usual go to sites to buy the best deals there is. 

More music, health, and fitness. As a media partner of BennyBunnyBand, expect that a lot of posts about the music and gigs will be posted here too startong September. In addition, as a contributor to Health Junkie Ph I'll be wring there more about health and fitness. 

So cheers to more posts and projects!!!;) 

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