
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Museo Pambata: Your Next Playdate Venue Part 1

Playdates are important in a child's development. They learn to socialize with other children of different ages which helps them discover learnings, identify different emotions, and how to appropriately behave with other little people like them. I look forward to playdate because what challenges our condo living is finding playmates for Enzo. 

Last two weeks ago, an overdue playdate with my other Mommy bloggers finally happened. We decided to visit Museo Pambata because its the nearest playdat venue for all of us, and we haven't been there yet. Although I have been there twice already, I was super excited that time because it was Enzo's first time. 

Museo Pambata is a children's discovery museum and resource center promoting Filipino culture, children's advocacirs and creative educational programs with linkages to global communities. 

Enzo and I came a little early so he had aome time to toam around the entrance and lobby while I took some photos. 
At the ride part of Museo is a playground and a helicopter display. Enzo got interested and curios to play on it but I got hesitant at first because it looked kinda worn out and the grass was already tall. I was afraid he might get bruised by the metals on the playground and catch dengue because of the grass and the water from after the rain. I hope they do something about it too.

So anyway, we decided to enter the museum as we wait for our other playmates and Enzo was getting a little excited to see what was inside and it was also getting hot by that time. We wete there by 1pm so the sun was really scorching hot. 

What's inside Museo Pambata? 

Maynila Noon/Old Manila 
The first exhibit at the right side of the lobby is a journey back to turn-of-the-century Manila! There is a tranvia, a Spanish Galleon with different herbs and spices, a miniature Cathedral and bahay na bato. 

Adjacent to the Maynila Noon, is the Kalikasan/Environment room. It has a simulated rainforest, rice field, and seabed that teaches children to preserve the Mother Nature. The kids spent a lot of time running around this room plus the slide was a total hit. The tunnel that looked like a burrow was also an instant play area to the kids and they looked like creepy creatures er... Cute creatures actually!;) 

At the second floor of the museum, the other remaining five (5) galleries are there. At the left side of the stairs is the Katawan Ko/My Body Works. It was one of the most interesting galleries for em as I enjoyed all of the activities there. The place looked like an inside of the mouth literally. It helps children understand how he different body organ works in harmony to keep he body functioning. 

The kids and us mommies stayed a lot longer here because of the tunnels and the shadow play. The entire place was a body at large and lessons about the organs were endless. The kids really enjoyed their time there. 

Please stay tuned on my next post about the other galleries and exhibits in Museo Pambata. There are fou (4) more interesting places inside that will keep your children's minds stimulated and their creativity and imagination challenged. See you all tomorrow!;)

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