
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calpol #GoGinhawaMoms Launch + Fever Myths Debunked

Well, hello June, and hello once again to attending events. I was so ecstatic to get the invitation for Calpol's Go Ginhawa Event launch because I had been on blogging and events hiatus for over a month. It is actually a valid reason as I had to prioritize my masters study first hihi. I'll share more about that soon (as soon as I get my term grades hihi) So anyway, yesterday I had the opportunity to join the #GoGinhawaMoms launch at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, with my little tot in tow. That's a milestone for us cause I don't usually bring him to events without the hubby, so yesterday just shows he's a big boy now!

Paracetamol Calpol, a product of Glaxo SmithKline Consumer Healthcare, provides effective fever relief for children. Aligned with GSK's mission to enable people to do more, feel better and live longer, Paracetamol (Calpol)'s mission is to provide children with ginhawa na maasahan from pain and fever incidences. By doing so, Calpol commited to be every mom's partner throughout this wonderful journey of motherhood.

In line with the mission of Calpol and GSK, they have launcched the Calpol Go Ginhawa Mom Movement with Jolina Magdangal, Jackie Go and Suzi Entrata-Abrera. It is a movement for a community of mothers to connect, communicate, and collaborate with and among other moms to give the best for their children. The three chosen Moms exudes moms who are eager to provide comfort and convenience to their children especially during fever moments. 

I share the same sentiments of one of the #GoGinhawaMom Jolina Magdangal-Escueta for being a first time mom, as she admits that she needs all the help she could get in rearing little Pele, who is now one year old. With Enzo, is now 1 year and 8 months, and I'd say I still get praning and over worried when Enzo is sick or has discomforts. As she said, the Go Ginhawa Movement together with Calpol makes mothering or parenting easier as there are other Moms who also share the same experiences.

Another, Go Ginhawa Mom, who I can relate to is Jackie Go, blogger at Go Jackie Go. She says motherhood changed her into a better person and being a blogger made her share more about her journeys of motherhood to other moms. She adds that she becomes worried everytime her kids are sick and how Calpol has been her reliable partner in providing the feeling of ginhawa to her kids. 

Lastly, Suzie Entrata-Abrera, is one of my fitspiration as a mom, as I see her still very active and healthy despite being a mom of three. I admire her for being a fun mom ready for any action and adventure. Just like her, I'd like to be able to influence my little boy the love of sports and being active. She adds that Calpol helps her address muscle pain from various activities or a bit of a fever. 

These three Go Ginhawa Moms all have found a reliable ally in fighting their children's fever with GSK's Calpol which contains paracetamol that has been proven effective to relieve children of the discomforts of fever and pain. 

After introducing the three #GoGinhawaMoms, a guest pediatrician discussed about Fever management and myths that are useful for all moms. She enumerated different ways of fever management and how fever myths should be debunked so we Mommies can be more prepared for our children's sickness.

Fever Management Tips and Myths Debunked:
1. Let the child get as much sleep and rest so they can have more energy to handle the discomforts of fever.
2. Fever is an indicator of the child fighting a sickness he/she has. So it is the discomfort that is being resolved when the child is sick.
3. If the temperature of the child is at 37.8 degree Celsius that is the only time we can consider it as a fever.
4. Sponge bath is NO longer advisable in managing fever, but if it is necessary use lukewarm water.
5. Use a digital thermometer to get accurate temperature. A gun-like thermometer is best for 5 years above.
6. If the child is asleep during the night, there is no need to wake them up for medicine. It is best for them to sleep the fever through so they can have more energy. 
7. When the child is still active and playing, there is really no need to be paranoid or worry a lot, just give fluids and Calpol to help manage the fever. 

To help Moms in managing fever, Calpol can be your best reliable partner. So if you want to be a #GoGinhawaMom like Jolina, Suzi, and Jackie, like Calpol's Facebook Page  and send them a private messenger with your full name, contact details, and e-mail address with your child's name and age!:) You can also invite your mommy friends to be part of the community and be the first to get the best ginhawa tips and promos, and even exchange tips and advice on childcare and motherhood. 

Ibigay ang ginhawa, Ibalik ang Sigla. 
Nothing works faster than Paracetamol in Calpol. 
When fever is gone life takes its place.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate din with Jackie in terms of being a mommy blogger and having the power to inform other moms :) kaya gustong gusto ko ang mga event na gaya nito, informative for us!
