
Sunday, March 15, 2015

UPDATED: Giveaway: Commenter of the Month

Hi friends! This month I am trying a new giveaway contest that will make me get to know you, my readers better. I find it too one sided as I only share my side of the story and never hear yours. So just to spice things up, I am launching my COM or Commenter of the Month for the month of March and April.

The mechanics are really very simple. To be my month's COM winner you need to give quality comments here in my blogsite. Quality comments should have relevance to the topic of the blogpost and not just the generic ones like "Thanks for the info" or "Good job!". You may ask questions or suggestions on what you would like to see more on the blog.

The more quality comments you have the more chance for me to get to know you and of course win too! :) We both win, right?:)

My Commenter of the Month will get these Summer Fever Set:
1 Beach Hut Sunblock
1 Silk Whitening Lotion
2 Revlon Nail Polish
1 Garnier Shampoo
1 Garnier Conditioner

This giveaway will run from March 15 to April 15, 2015. Announcement of winners will be on April 16, 2015. Tip: Join my mailing list so you can get first dibs on my new posts. Thanks and hope to see you here on blog and other social media account!

Top Commenter for the Month of March and April:
Shari Jansen
Grateful Mum

Thanks for the support and I am so happy to have met all of you, hopefully we will get to know each other more. For Theresa, thank you very much I really appreciate all your comments. Please email me your shipping address so I can send the prize this week.

Thank you again!:)


  1. Thank you for the info and Good Job!

  2. great.. I love reviews about food its my stress reliever from everyday at work pressure and also book reviews and book eater whenever I have time and play with my kids during weekends. Im silent reader of your blog and I like reading your reviews.. Keep it up.. and More Power. :)

  3. As a busy mother working do house work preparing all things in every day life how you can help me

  4. I just love how you manage your time in blogging while taking care of your family. Keep on inspiring people especially for mommies like me.

  5. I am so joining this! Apart from liking the prizes, currently, I am seeking for blogs that I can engage with. As you said, the more comments I leave, the more chances we get to know each other. I am a blogger myself. You can check my link here.

    I hope to meet you one day. Count me in! :)

  6. Wow! Congrats on your new series of giveaway sis! :)

  7. Hi There Sis! (me from FB BP) :) hope to get to know you more though this blog. I will visit as much as I can, have a visit too in my blog. Cheers to blogging and take care!

  8. Joining! Omg! I'm really an addict of lotions and body oils! PRAYING hard to win haha! Happy blogging, mommy jho!

  9. Yey! Yey! Clap clap.. You know what? I was thinking of reviewing that Beach Hut soon and do Manicure Mondays with those polishes.. What do you think? Can't wait! Hihi.. Thanks! :)
