
Friday, January 24, 2014

IGNIGHT: A Praise Fest

Last Monday, January 20, 2014, I attended a praise fest in our school. It was my first time to attend such event and the reason why I attended it was because it was our department’s event. I also came to support my friends who will be singing in the said event. I also served as their make up artist so it was really a win-win situation.I didn’t really understand what the event was all about until I saw the band’s rehearsal, I was in awe at how well these people, and these friends of mine are so talented. It was an amazing sight to see and to hear their voice sang so great.

The band sang 4 songs then Mr. Jan Carlo Silan, gave his talk. Mr. Silan is a minister for the Feast. I’ve been hearing and seeing stuff about the Feast but didn’t really bother knowing or attending it until that night. I actually enjoyed his talk, it was not like a stereotypical praise fest I had in mind. It was more of a stand up comedy but with sense, or should I say with Christ in it. It didn’t feel heavy and I did not feel bad about myself or how I have sinned. It was a reminder. A reminder that I am loved and that I am capable of love.
To end his talk, he let us watch a video of Jesus being with us every step of the way. I cried while watching because I have experienced all the moments shown in the video. I cried because I knew Jesus was with me but it felt different and overwhelming seeing it on video, of how it might have looked like in real life.

The AEP Band

The band and Mr. Jan Silan after the event

He also gave some tips on having a happy life which is summarized into:


By the end of the night, I felt revived. I felt overjoyed with all the new learning that I have. The event was pure good vibes, it was just a happy moment. It was a time to reflect, pause and shout praises to the Lord.
After the event, I got an unfortunate news that my Tito was sent to the ICU due to heart attack. I thank the Lord for being with me throughout the night. I did not know I was praying particularly for something but when I got the news I knew why I was there.  Everything has purpose, and I am where I am meant to be.

I’m hoping I can attend more feasts and bring my husband and son with me as well. If you are interested to hear more of Mr. Jan Carlo Silan, you may follow him on his social media accounts: FB, Twitter, Instagram: braderjan 

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