
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Well, hello there, stranger!

Yup, I finally made a new blog especially for my mommy adventures. I have been a blogger since 2007, but just recently became a Mom. While I was pregnant, I decided not to create a new blog site cause I thought I could just categorize my experiences and keep my Magicspaceship blog. But, I thought wrong. Motherhood changes you. It's an experience worth writing down and sharing. For memories sake or for some, just random reading. I am a sentimental person, and I would want my son to have something to read or look at when he's big enough. I also feel it's so important for me to shout things that make me happy, rant about things that pisses me off, and to have something I can go back to in the future. 

So, with that said, let me introduce myself and this blog. 

I am Jhoanna Tacorda. I go by the names Jho, Jing, Joey, Jojay and Jak. (I know too many nicknames, but I just couldn't help it. I am a college teacher by profession. A loving wife (ehem!). A supportive friend and sister. A stage mother and aunt. A make up enthusiast. A reader. An online seller. A hobby-blogger. And most importantly I'm a 24/7 Mom to a very handsome baby boy. 

As I mentioned earlier, I already have an existing blog. But motherhood inspired me to put up thereyouJHO and just write on all sorts of things I have experienced, is experiencing and will experience-as a mom.  So, how is it different? Well, here goes, I have divided different categories of stuff I would write about that matters to me as a Mom.

First up is, Mom's Baby Love: this would include everything about taking care of my baby. From his little achievements everyday, product reviews, and to things that worries me about my child. Worries such as when he gets sick, what food to feed him, or what or how to teach him values to help him in his life. In short, just me and my baby!:)

Secondly, Mom 'n Fab. I am a sporty person, and a figure conscious mom as well. Before I became pregnant, I was into Pilates and running. Not athlete-serious, but I make it a point that I do work out at times and to strengthen my core. Now more than ever, after giving birth, I am determined to lose the fats I gained during pregnancy and be able to wear my pants before pregnancy. This section will also include everything about make up, and my journey to doing great looks for me and others. So, I hope you'll join me in this journey to staying fit and fab even as a mom!

Third, is Mom-"me" Time. Having a "Me" time, has been very important for me even during my single days. This is something I do that makes me happy or gives me time to relax and reflect on life. This section, then will include hobbies I do, classes I take and simple joys I have to keep me sane. I wouls also write here my life realizations and reflections.

Fourth category is Mom JHO and THEL. I know its hard to get this at first, but its actually my name and my husband's name. So I wanted it to sound like Show and Tell. (I feel weird explaining my word play! Haha!) This is about me and my husband's experience on marriage. It may include problems, issues, or funny things we have as a couple. Maybe, just maybe, he can also write on this blog. (crosses fingers) It's also very insightful to know and read about what goes through our husband's minds, right? 

Last, is Mom-on-the-Job, as said earlier, I'm an online seller and a teacher. Both I do as part time.I will share different triumphs and struggles I have with both jobs. This would include online shops I like and tips on how to start an online shop. On the other side, I will also write about being a teacher. 

Another section, is Ask Jho! which would include questions and advice I've been asked for. So, if you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to ask me. :)

So, there you go, and happy reading!:) 

High Five!!! 

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