
Saturday, November 28, 2015

REDOXFAT: Holiday Weight Gain

Next week is already the beginning of the last month of year 2015. As for me, I have five consecutive Christmas parties to attend, a family vacation the following week, then some reunions with friends later in the month. 
Aside from the holiday gifts, stories to share, and places to visit, one other thing that thrills and makes me giddy are food feasts. I especially enjoy sharing food feasts with my loved ones because I get to spend stories, conversations, and laughter over delicious meals. 

But, with a lot of food feast means more weight gain. Eversince I became a mom, I had gained a few pounds and fats on my body so I put effort on keeping myself  atleast a little slimmer.
Though I worry about some pounds added on my weight, I still enjoy the Holiday feasts. The enjoyment and guilt-free feeling I have is because of RedoXfat!

RedoXfat is a weight-loss food supplement which contains 350 mg of Green Tea Extract and 150 mg of L-Carnitine. RedoXfat’s component, L-Carnitine, is known to be effective in weight loss as it transforms the fatty acids in the body into sources of energy, thereby fueling you enough for the day. Meanwhile, RedoXfat is also equipped with Green Tea Extract which, aside from its fat-burning quality, it is also known to be an effective antioxidant as it is 200x more potent than Vitamin E in fighting free radicals in the body. 

RedoXfat lowers (fats) and helps increase energy which results to burning fat fast for speedier results. RedoXfat also helps in strengthening our muscles for easier physical activities, cleansing and detoxifying our body, reducing stress levels, boosting of our immune system, and improves digestion.

RedoXfat is SRP P16.00 per capsule, available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide. Slim down, chin up with RedoXfat.

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