
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ulam for the Week: Easy Chicken Recipes

Living in a condo and feeding two boys have been a new, exciting and frustrating experience for me. As a relatively new family, we only started to live on our own this year, January to be exact and it has been challenging for me/us especially during meal times. There were moments I did not know what to feed Enzo and I get guilty knowing I have not given him healthy food to eat. Our food in the past were all from Carinderias or fast food and I was beginning to feel worried that Enzo is not exposed to a more wide variety of food. Last August, we decided to start planning our grocery and meals for the week. For a month now I think we did a pretty good job and I have seen the benefits like having baon to school and no longer worrying about what Enzo will eat.

So anyway, I'll share our Ulam for the Week with two easy Chicken Recipes. 

Chicken Tinola
5 pieces of chicken drumstick and thigh part 
1 whole sayote
Garlic and onion
Small ginger 
Knorr pork cubes 
Siling labuyo
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute garlic and onion. 
2. Pour in water, and sayote. Let it boil until sayote is soft. 
3. Put in chicken, ginger, and pork broth scubes. Let it simmer. Wait until chicken is completely cooked. 
4. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
5. Add siling labuyo to your preference. I added three sili for a little more spice. 

Chicken Adobo

Chicken adobo cuts
Soy sauce
Dahon ng laurel
Pamintang durog 

1. Simmer chicken in soy sauce and vinegar. Wait until it boils and the chicken is completely cooked. 
2. Add a cup of water and modify to your preference
3. Add paminta and dahon ng laurel.
4. Optional: You may add potatoes or boiled egg for variety. 

The more I cook the more confident I become so hopefully I will get to cook more food and learn to put variety in it. We got Chicken overdose this week, so gotta get on my food planning skills for next week. 

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