
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July Manila Workshops: From Womb to Teenage years

It's been awhile since I posted about Manila Workshops event and activities, and I truly apologize for that. I'm sure you miss having updates on their workshops, especially that their events are really practical, informative, and helpful to everyone. It is such a nice feeling knowing that a group of private individuals have families, like us and our needs in mind, and that their main objective is to educate and empower each individual.

With that, I am sharing with you this month of July's Manila Workshops that I entitled from Womb to Teenage Years. I got pretty excited learning about their upcoming workshops as it directly answers different questions or concerns that we have as parents, or as moms to our children. Manila Workshops has indeed created events that will guide us through this journey.

For Expecting Parents:
Pregnancy and giving birth can be both exciting and confusing at the same time. I remembered my days of panic and confusion with my first born and getting all the help we can get in this stage is important. But what better way to prepare but to learn ahead of time, before the baby is even born. 
Preparing for Baby's Birth Day on July 25, 2015 1-5pm at The Parenting Emporium, QC

After the baby is born, some would prefer to have a yaya to help with the home making or assist in child rearing. For working moms, a yaya is necessary. So to prevent #YayaProblems, why not send your Yayas to training and equip them with practical skills to help them fulfill their jobs better.
Basic Yaya Training is a series of sessions from care, basic first aid, and money management. 
Venue: Mothercare Podium

Now as time flies really fast, we'll be surprised how our children have become teenagers already. Being teenagers before, parents should recognize possible struggles and issues of teenagers and help them overcome these. Luckily, Manila Workshops have designed a series of sessions that could promote character development in teenagers and help them Win in Life.

Sessions include: 
Developing your Person
Expressing Yourself
balancing Lofe
Becoming Culturally Sensitive 

Learning fee is Php1000 per person. 
Venue: BGC

Whatever stage or phase in parenting you are, there is help always avaialable for you. Check out these workhops and hoose what best fits you!;) 

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