
Friday, July 3, 2015

Health Junkie PH:Live Longer, Stronger Together

Well if you've been following me on my blog and other social media accounts, you'd probably know that I am now a proud member and contributor of Health Junkie PH. I could not have been happier with this blogging milestone and I think I just became a Health Junkie, literally.

I am a sporty kinda girl, my childhood days were spent playing sports like swimming, ballet, taekwondo, and just about anything I can think of. Even when I started college and working I made it a point to maintain a healthy and active body. The problem with me though is consistency and motivation.

I wasnt comfortable working out alone and I often just give up when I feel my body's sores and aches. I always had excuses like "Running isn't my thing" or "I don't like being in a gym, it's boring", or "I don't have the time cause I'm a mom" just so I would not work out. It was only when I felt tired and frustrated chasing my toddler did I realize that working out is not just about getting abs and having toned muscles, it really is more than that. 

  We started our CCP jogging routine as a family.

I already said this in my previous fitness posts that I like to LIVE LONGER for my child and family, and working out is my only option. It was coincidental with this realization that free dance classes were offered in school which suited my sched. A week after our dance class I got invited to be part of Health Junkie PH and I was elated. I knew it would require work but I was more excited to be with people who share the same interest on health, beauty, fitness and wellness. I am glad to have found people who inspires me to achieve my best self and to enjoy sweating out. I am inspired by their journey to fitness and of course their toned bodies. 

      Sweating it out with Rejj Sibayan at Primal Ape Crossfit

I am just grateful to be with a group who will help me achieve my goal of living longer and teaching my child the value of healthy and active lifestyle.

Thank you, Health Junkie PH, especially to Tonette Nicolas, for making me part of your team. My future body, children, and family says thank you as well. I already have a support group in Team Health Junkie PH, to live longer, and stronger together!

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Do you have any fitness, beauty or wellness questions or suggestions? Comment them down below!;) 

1 comment:

  1. Aw. Thank you for the kind words. So, so blessed to be your friend and to have you in the team. Let's live longer, together! Excited to meet your family. :)
