
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Blogger Skills: Photography Practice + Giveaway

After attending the Photography Workshop from Mommy Bloggers Philippines last February 21, 2015 at Saboten, Glorietta 5, I have been practicing my new found skills  for my recents blog posts or just IG posts.
Now it is time share with you some of my photo practices and tips I have been applying. For me, I have improved a lot and I am challenged to get better. For now enjoy looking at my photos (crossing fingers) and learning from techniques I used.

1. Natural Lighting

"The Best Things in Life are Free" is a phrase you'd probably heard before right? But did you know that you can apply this in photography too? What do I mean by free in Photography? The sun and it's light that is! Taking photos with the sun's natural light do good in your photos. Its all around, and it's free. It makes photos clearer and the details are seen better. Just remember the concept of "Golden Hour" when the sun is not too high making it suitable to take photos. The golden hour is between 8-9 am and 3-4pm or depending on your location.

2. Learn the basics of your Camera

One thing I learned in the photography worksho is that the instrument is only as good as its user. An expensive camera will only take great photos once a photographer knows how to maximize its use.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy Y Duos. I don't really like taking photos from it before because I find my shots crappy. I could not use it at night, can't focus details on my subjects, in short I was unable to give justice to my photos. BUT that was BEFORE.

I learned to maximize my camera settings, experimenting among daylight, cloudy, incandescent and flourescent to get the best setting for my shoot. I also learned to use the exposure so I could shoot at night. Now I am more inlove with my phone because I get wonderful photos now.

3. Props Styling and Creating Stories

This is the tricky part of photography. Translating a story with just the picture is challenging. The goal is to engage your audience to a story for the eyes. You would want to express more than meets the eye. Admittedly, I find this hard because I dont have a lot of props at home but I try to make use of what I have at home.

4. Refer to the Color Wheel.

The best way to take advantage of a product or a subject is to use colors tht complement it. As for me, I look for what will help my subject stand out. The use if the color wheel can assist you on that. Choosing colors can be challenging but when done properly can highlight your subject perfectly.

5. Practice makes Perfect

What is great now is that we use digital photos which means more opportunity to shoot and practice. Save your practice shots and compare so you could see your progress and what needs to be improved on. You would probably get shot which you would totally love. Be proud of it and let people give feedback so you'll learn better.

Hopefully, you learned a tip or two and be motivated by my photos to practice too. (Hehe!) And because I am feeling generous again, I am giving away the products on my 5th photo just in time for the summer. Mechanics will be explained on my next post, so please stay tune!:)


  1. Thanks for this. This is really helpful :)

  2. I think you are doing good with your photography skill :)
    I like the photo #3. I am a trying photographer :D and this blog of yours is a big help for me to practice my hidden photography skill (hahaha!).

  3. And I learned from you too :)

  4. Sayang di tayo sabay ng sched sa workshop! Nagkasama na ba tayo sa kahit anong event before? Di pa ano? By the way congrats! Hardwork and dedication = excellent job! :)

  5. Oh are you using that Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel? My sister got one before and it has hundred uses. I tried it once for marks and it was immediately removed fast.

    By the way, thanks for the info. I'm trying to style my photos too.on Instagram. I don't know if what I'm doing are correct. Haha. And I agree on the 1st one, my blog photos are mostly taken under natural lighting. I want to attend on photography workshops like that too! :)
