
Saturday, February 7, 2015

7 Things Every Wife Should Know Book Review

I rarely talk about my journey as a wife in this blog than I should. The reason is that I feel I am more a natural about my mother role than this wife thing. I must admit, being married for only 1 year and 9 months there are a lot of things I don't know and is still working on. I had to adjust a lot of things like my "semi-bratty" attitude and learn compromising. There are times I learn more about my wife duties the hard way, sometimes leading to petty fights or cute tampuhab with hubby. This marriage thing is really more than little adjustments and it takes a lot of work indeed.

Luckily, I got my hands on a book that has served as my new partner in realizinv my full potential as a wife. Am I glad to have read it? Glad is an understatement!

7 Things Every Wife Should Know by Viviene Bigornia is every new or  almost wife's bestfriend. Viviene is a blogger from and her geart's desire is to minister to single women and young wives to be more Christlike and to reach their full potential for God's glory.

Why this book's going to be your bestfriend?
1. It will affirm you that you are doing well if not your best as a wife.
2. It is a reminder of small things matter the most in relationships especially marriage.
3. It provide practical and feasible tips.
4. You would understand God's plan for you as a wife to your husband.

There are more reasons for new and almost wives to read this book but I won't spoil it for you. Rest assured that after reading this you will be a TRIUMPHant Wife to your husband and God.

And to give you more opportunity to get your hands on this book, Viviene is giving 15% discount just for you, my readers. Just send her an email at with the subject line 15% off up until the end of the month of February plus FREE shipping nationwide.

It's a great gift suggestions for your friends who are engaged to be married, to already wives and for yourself too. So give the gift of education and live a happy life as a wife.

For more information on this book: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jho! Thanks for the review.. =D it's really our tendency to work it out as a mommy and forget all about wife duties. So it's nice to be reminded once in a while. I need that too being a first time mom to a 5 month old cutie pie =) thanks again!!
