
Friday, December 20, 2013

My Make Up Story

The only thing between you and success, is yourself.

A note to self, I learned just recently and has been a year end lesson for me. This has something to do with my aspiration as a Make up Artist. I’ve always wanted to be one since I had my Basic personal make up workshop with Cielo Frontreras last 2011. I did make ups of my friends and would want to do more but was always doubting myself.

It was only last November, when a friend of mine invited me to come to her Wedding gig. It was my first time to do make up for 4 girls, (3 being part of the entourage and the aunt of the groom), 2 boys which are also part of the entourage, and 3 cute little flower girls. I tell you, I was exhausted. My back was aching and I was also a bit hungry. But it was a good pain, (well, aside from my labor pains of course) It was good because I felt it was the push I needed to make my dream happen. I’ve been putting it off because I was underestimating myself that I could not do it. I was always thinking of what other people would say or think about me.

So, when I had the chance to join a workshop for aspiring Make Up artists, I took a chance on my dreams. I really did have fun and learned a lot. I appreciated the wonders of a person’s face and how make up can enhance it. I was awed by how make up can truly make a difference in someone’s face and confidence. The workshop I attended was one of the most meaningful four days of my life. 

I actually am not the type of person that would post everything on facebook. I feel a little uncomfortable posting everything that I do or wishes to do, being a make up artist as well. At first, I did not want to post the pictures I did with my model friend for the first day of the workshop, but thankfully she said that she’ll post it. So I agreed, to tell you honestly I was a little bit shy to post it for all to judge. Luckily, she posted the pictures and I got good feedbacks. The second day was even more amazing, I had people complimenting my makeup on her. I even surprised myself cause it was really good. Then I posted everything and made an FB page for our assignment. Thank you for my friend who helped me overcome my “hiya”, her posting the pictures lifted my confidence a bit more. 

The last day was mixed emotions, I was a little sad but relieved as well because I finished the course, in flying colors, mind you! Yes, ehem! I aced my exam and was the only person who aced it. EHEM again! J I was so happy and felt, “hey, maybe I could really do this!”
After the workshop, I got 3 make up gigs. 1 volunteer work for a choir makeup, 1 rock band on the way (hoping to be their official MUA) and more confidence on me.  There’s still a lot of work needed to be done, but hey at least I am moving forward.

To all those who helped me, Thank you!
For my friend who invited me to that first gig,
To a friend, who have always been willing to be my victim/model
To a friend, who promises that I’ll be her official MUA from now on, after one gig
To my mentors and inspirations,
To my past and future clients,
To my husband, who’s very supportive in my craft
To myself (my stronger self) for making me take the plunge and chase my dream

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