
Monday, December 2, 2013

The Last of November and First Day of December

Hello, everyone! The month's bringing in the cold weather and everywhere is starting to look like Christmas. 

BUT, I can't be fooled and I need to get serious... on my workout, that is!
So how was my last day of November? 

My family and I decided to spend a mini-vacation in Hidden Sanctuary Hotel and Resort Marilao, Bulacan. It was a spontaneous outing but was truly worth it. And because it was my last day to pig out, I literally did!
I ate a lot, a lot means for me JUNK FOODS!!! I'm not really a good eater but I like to eat chocolates, chips, soda, and everything sweet. But the challenge is still on my mind. I did some laps in the pool but found out I really need to also do some serious cardio exercise because just after one lap I was out of breath. 

I wasn't able to do my weigh in though and decided to took a picture instead yesterday. It was a struggle for me to do my first day yesterday as I was so tired from the vacation and wanted to just lay around and postponed the workout. I thought, nobody will know and I'll just cheat myself into it. Just as I was to procrastinate, motivation strikes.

Here's my motivation: 

My Little Boy, Enzo!
I want to be able to run after him when he's able to walk and play around. 

With that, I easliy finished my workout. It became a lot easier because Ethel was there to guide me thru the workout. Here's what I did yesterday:

Day 1: 
15 sit ups
10 crunches
5 leg raises
10s planks

Today's another challenge!!!:) 
There you go, High five!!!

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